全天然波蘭護膚品牌YOPE由創辦人夫婦Karolina Kuklińska-Kosowicz 和Paweł Kosowicz於2013年正式成立。YOPE以「家庭」為品牌的核心價值,創辦人夫婦在日常生活中為擺脫洗手後帶來的緊繃感及乾燥肌,從而研發獨家配方和多項成效卓越的天然產品,產品成效被廣泛讚賞和認同而聞名。

YOPE產品採用源自波蘭的純天然植物成份,以天然、低敏為主,不含對羥基苯甲酸、SLS、 SLES、 PEG等化學成份,並經由專業的化妝師和皮膚專科醫生嚴密把關,適合兒童或過敏皮膚人士使用。多元化的產品包括潤手霜、身體潤膚乳、肥皂等護理產品及清潔用品。YOPE 天然產品銷售點包括‎意大利、西班牙、英國、捷克共和國、愛爾蘭、斯洛文尼亞、瑞典、克羅地亞、羅馬尼亞、斯洛伐克、荷蘭和匈牙利多國發售。

品牌創辦人Karolina Kuklińska-Kosowicz 和 Paweł Kosowicz非常重視健康的生活習慣,平時教導兩個孩子注意廢物回收、參與動物保護計劃等等保育工作。他們深信這些經歷能成為YOPE的催化劑,同時提醒他們應愛惜及尊重大自然,選用天然的優質原材料以打造對人類和環境無害的護膚配方產品。

主理人之一的Karolina在Łódź大學畢業,主修Academy of Fine Arts,她憑藉其出色的直覺和堅定的信念,一路上打造出YOPE的品牌形象同時參與新產品的開發過程。她把別人覺得沒可能的事情帶到現實世界當中。每次當別人說她的想法行不通或叫她放棄的時候,反而讓她更加堅定。

Paweł 則主力負責YOPE業務發展 ;在這行業擁有豐富經驗,日常負責財務計劃、生產線和人手編配。夫婦倆多年來合作無間,並以YOPE貫徹二人堅守的理念、將YOPE的精神延續下去,把最安全的產品和精準的應用方法帶到世界各地。

It all started with hand washing! Because washing hands is a very serious issue. With YOPE, you can turn this daily duty into pleasure.

YOPE is a Polish brand that was created in 2013. The most important idea was to make original natural cosmetics. The founders of YOPE are a wife and husband Karolina Kuklińska-Kosowicz and Paweł Kosowicz.

YOPE products are distinguished by three key features:

    • formula (more than 90% of natural ingredients, no parabens, SLS, SLES, PEG or silicones);
    • fragrances (sophisticated, interesting and long-lasting, e.g. ginger and sandalwood, fig tree, bamboo, clove or sage);
    • design (the products stand out on each shelf).

YOPE offers bathroom and kitchen soaps with complementary body and hand lotions, hand creams, shampoo, candles and cleaning products. YOPE’s strength lies in carefully selected product compositions developed in collaboration with dermatologists. Thanks to the immense experience of skin experts, YOPE products are totally safe and gentle on the skin. They can also be used by children and people with sensitive skin.
YOPE products are made in Poland.